Longing for personalised mentoring?


We are offering individual sessions, online or at our location in Eidskog.

Try for free!

Reach out if you want to take your practice to the next level, and schedule a 30-minute free intro call to explore if this is for you.


Whether your curiosity lies in breathwork, meditation, movement, sound or relating, we offer support and guidance on your path towards a more healthy and resilient nervous system.

We offer single sessions, short term and long term follow up!



View Programs

Find the program that fits for you!


Single sessions


60 minutes

Book a single session to boost your practice with expert guidance. 

90 minutes

Book a longer session that gives you more space for sharing and connection around your process.


Short term follow up


5 x 60 minutes 

This program gives you an opportunity to get established in the practice, and ready to bring it into your daily life.


5 x 90 minutes

This program with longer sessions is for you who are searching for more support around the actual practice.


Mentorship program


10 x 90 minutes

The mentorship program is for you who want close follow-up over a period of time. Choose to go deep with one modality of your own choice, or explore your nervous system through different approaches throughout the program. 

The program includes homework and follow-up through email in between the sessions.




Not sure which program to choose? Try a single session first, to see what this is like to you!


60 minute session



90 minute session



5 x 60 minutes



5 x 90 minutes

9 800nok


1 year mentorship

18 000nok